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Restorative Dentistry

Faced with the partial or complete loss of teeth, it is necessary to seek solutions to recover a normal lifestyle. Oral rehabilitation is the part of dentistry that seeks the best alternative for each patient when it comes to recovering the smile again and returning to the mouth its ability to speak and chew. Do you want to know how?


If you have a missing or broken tooth, we know you are suffering! Thankfully, we offer restorative dental options that can help you! However, exactly what is restorative dentistry and why is it important? Wiser Smiles would love to provide you with answers on how and why we offer this quality treatment for you and your family.


Restorative Dentistry Defined


According to Oral B, “The term “restorative dentistry” is the integrated management of oral health problems and restoring of the mouth to a functional and esthetic state.” In other words, this branch of dentistry replaces damaged or missing teeth with the goal of restoring normal functions and creating a pleasing appearance.


The Link to General Dentistry


Have you heard of General Dentistry? It is probably the branch of dentistry that most of the public is most familiar with. In fact, this is an umbrella term that includes providing dental restorations. Some of our more common procedures that we provide are fillings, crowns, veneers, and dentures. These are the best options that a dentist can offer to help you to regain such normal dental habits as chewing and speaking.


Why It’s Important


What happens when you have missing limb or have a damaged car part? Often, the rest of your body or car would suffer, creating additional problems. For example, if your leg is broken and you fail to get a doctors help, your other leg may suffer from your having to rely on it too much. In the same way, if we are walking around with a broken tooth for example, we may be putting too much pressure on surrounding teeth because we cannot properly use the broken tooth. In this case, a dental crown could be a possible option to regain proper chewing and dental functions.


An Excellent Choice

We hope you have a better answer now to the question, “what is restorative dentistry and why is it important?” Please give us a call for further information or scheduling an appointment! We are happy to give both old and new patients the quality dental care that they deserve. (954) 741-0700





Dental fillings are hard filling substances (such as gold, silver, ceramic) used to repair decayed or damaged teeth. They fill holes caused by tooth damage. Usually, dental fillings cannot completely repair the entire damage to teeth, but they are necessary to replace the tooth structure which has been damaged due to tooth decay and prevents it from worsening.


The durability and lifetime of dental fillings depends on the type of dental filling used. There are many types of filling substances. The choice of filling is made by the doctor (with the patient’s consent) and is based on the severity and location of tooth damage.


Types of dental filling


  • Cast gold filling: These last at least 10 to 15 years or longer.

    • Advantages of cast gold fillings: They are durable. They don’t erode and can withstand hard chewing. Some patients find gold filling more aesthetic than silver.

    • Disadvantages of cast gold fillings: It is expensive. They require two sittings to be fit. A gold filling can’t be placed right next to a silver amalgam filling because it can create a galvanic shock, which causes sharp pain. Some patients don’t like gold-colored fillings.

  • Silver fillings (amalgams): These last for at least 10 to 15 years.

    • Advantages of silver fillings: They are durable and usually outlast composite (tooth-colored) fillings. They can withstand strong forces. They are less expensive than gold and composite fillings.

    • Disadvantages of silver fillings: Patients may not find silver fillings aesthetically pleasing. They may create a grey discoloration on the surrounding tooth. Healthy parts of the tooth also need to be removed to fit and hold silver fillings. Silver can cause the tooth to crack because generally, all teeth expand and contract in the presence of hot and cold foods and liquids. Some people may develop allergic reactions to the 1% mercury in silver amalgam fillings.

  • Tooth-colored or composite fillings: These usually last for around 5 years.

    • Advantages of composites

      • They are aesthetically pleasing because the color closely matches the existing teeth. Hence, they are ideal for repairing visible teeth. Composites are particularly well suited to use for front teeth or visible parts of the teeth.

      • Composite fillings are versatile and can also be used to repair chipped or worn out teeth. Only a small bit of the healthy tooth needs to be removed, unlike with silver amalgam fillings.

    • Disadvantages of composites: These lack durability and can’t withstand chewing forces as well as gold and silver fillings. They have a high risk of chipping. The procedure takes longer than it takes to place silver amalgam fillings. More than one sitting may be required. They are more expensive than amalgam fillings.

  • Ceramic fillings: These fillings are usually made of porcelain/ceramic. They last more than 15 years. They are more durable than composite fillings. They are as expensive as gold fillings.

  • Glass ionomer fillings: These last around 5 years. They are made of acrylic and a specific type of glass. They are mostly used in children and for filling below the gum line. Glass ionomers release fluoride, which can help protect the tooth from further decay.

  • Indirect fillings: Indirect fillings are similar to tooth-colored fillings and they are created in a dental laboratory. They usually require two clinic visits before being placed. Indirect fillings may be used when there is not enough healthy tooth structure remaining to support a filling. During the first visit, decay or the old filling is removed and an impression/mold is taken of the teeth to create the indirect filling in the lab. A temporary filling is placed to protect the tooth until the filling is made in the lab. During the second visit, the temporary filling is removed and the indirect filling is placed permanently.

    • There are two types of indirect fillings. They both last over 30 years and are more durable than traditional fillings

      • Inlays: These are similar to fillings but they lie within the tooth cusps over the chewing surface of the tooth.

      • Onlays: These are more extensive and involve one or more tooth cusps. They are sometimes called partial crowns.

  • Temporary fillings: These usually last for a month. They may be used in the following conditions

    • For fillings that require more than one sitting until a permanent filling is placed

    • Following a root canal

    • If the tooth pulp becomes irritated, a temporary filling may be placed to protect the tooth, decrease sensitivity and reduce pain

    • If an emergency dental treatment is required




Crowns are full coverage restorations that are used to cover a tooth that at risk of breaking or fracturing or is too broken down to be restored with a filling. They are most done after root canal treatment, or when a large filling wears out. The larger the hole made by a cavity that must be treated, the more likely a crown will be needed. Even after a filling is put in a large cavity, a tooth is more likely to break. Keep in mind that the jaw muscles are the strongest in the human body. Teeth are subjected to tremendous pressures. Crowns ride over the weakened tooth, providing strength and protecting the tooth against breakage. A broken or cracked tooth is a far more serious matter and much more difficult to treat. Crowns prevent this, as well as making a nice smile. It takes two appointments to restore a tooth with a crown. The decay is removed from the tooth, and it is shaped to accept the crown. Then an impression is made of the tooth for use in fabricating a crown.


Dental Bridges:


This is an option for filling the space created by a missing tooth. It is formed to look like the missing tooth, and it takes its place in the mouth. The sides of a bridge use the two surrounding teeth for support, hence the name. A bridge replaces the missing tooth, both functionally and cosmetically. Bridge work is as much an art as it is an exact science. The materials used may be gold alloys, porcelain bonded to metal alloy, or all ceramic material. The choice of material depends on requirements for strength, wear, and/or esthetics.

In addition to restoring aesthetics, the bridge helps keep the cheeks and jaw firm, and also prevents the gums from having to endure additional pressure.


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